How to use the Niche Trends (beta)
Updated over a week ago

IMPORTANT: Niche Trends is currently in BETA. Expect changes and improvements. Documentation will be updated accordingly. Your feedback matters. Explore the tool and stay tuned for enhancements.

Videos & workshops to come.

What is Niche Trends?

Niche Trends uses Google Trends data to visualize evolving niche interests, allowing users to track shifts in popularity and identify new product opportunities.

How to use the Inputs?

Before delving into the tool's capabilities, let's understand the key inputs you'll need to provide:

Keywords (Exact)

For precision targeting, enter specific keywords that define your niche.

Keyword (Broad)

Cast a wider net with broad keywords to capture the full spectrum of related search queries.

Roll The Dice

Embrace the unpredictability of market opportunities by exploring random, high-potential search terms.

Undestanding Google Trends

For more information on how to read the Google Trend charts, please refer to their help section.


Numbers represent search interest relative to the highest point on the chart for the given region and time. A value of 100 is the peak popularity for the term. A value of 50 means that the term is half as popular. A score of 0 means there was not enough data for this term.

Related Queries:

Users searching for your term also searched for these queries. You can sort by the following metrics:

  • Top - The most popular search queries. Scoring is on a relative scale where a value of 100 is the most commonly searched query, 50 is a query searched half as often as the most popular query, and so on.

  • Rising - Queries with the biggest increase in search frequency since the last time period. Results marked "Breakout" had a tremendous increase, probably because these queries are new and had few (if any) prior searches.

Search Topics

Users searching for your term also searched for these topics. You can view by the following metrics:

  • Top - The most popular topics. Scoring is on a relative scale where a value of 100 is the most commonly searched topic and a value of 50 is a topic searched half as often as the most popular term, and so on.

  • Rising - Related topics with the biggest increase in search frequency since the last time period. Results marked "Breakout" had a tremendous increase, probably because these topics are new and had few (if any) prior searches.

How to navigate through Niche Trends

Only 10 Google Trends results are displayed per page. Use the Previous and Next buttons to move between pages.

Use the buttons Niche Validator, Keyword Explorer, and Product Explorer to gain a deeper understanding of the keyword after identifying the trend.

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